So how do I know it's any good?

Fiona demonstrated her considerable knowledge of HR strategy in each industry area, while facilitating self-learning through self-reflection and coaching. Fiona demonstrated her strong work ethic and giving a high priority to the needs of students. She is professional and goes above and beyond expectations – offering to coach me outside of her role as course tutor and in her own time.
The coaching has aided my development and career progression for which I am grateful. I
highly recommend Fiona to others due to my experience and her demonstrable ability to
identify the best way to help individuals.
Thanks Fiona!
Workforce Capability Lead, (HMICFRS).
Striking an effective coaching/mentoring relationship

is one of the keys to success. Fiona, played an enormous part of this for me, which enabled
me to reflect, unlock learning and experience to demonstrate competence. Fiona’s friendly approach, support and encouragement
throughout the process led to not only build
my confidence but achieve Chartered CIPD status.
Ever grateful to Fiona.
Cheryl Kaye, HR Business Partner, 2020.

On a personal level, you’ve helped me to re-consider on some of the aspects of my life – you’ve had a major impact – this is important feedback for you – you’re earning a living and you’re also affecting people’s lives positively – whilst I’m thanking you for this, the overall scope of your influence is, I suspect, considerably
wide – wider than you probably think – so on darker days, please remember my words:
Fiona, you are affecting people’s lives in a positive way and you are a special and much appreciated person.
Best wishes, Noel Bachmann, Team Leader, Ordnance Survey

“overall the coaching experience was excellent and can be used to improve performance in the workplace” Khalid Farnnoor, Operations Manager
“The coaching was invaluable and delivered in exactly the right way for this culture – we would like to do more of this in the future” Masood Naik, Training Manager
“We learned a lot and at times it was challenging but we got there and now we can change how we run performance management at IFFCO” Annan Sohail, Human Resource Manager
IFFCO, Sharjah UAE.

Q. What positive results have you found from this coaching and mentoring? Anything specific?
Wow, where do I start? I have removed the limitations on myself around what I can do, what version of myself I can be, whether I can
learn new stuff! A lot of this has been building for a few years, with professional dissatisfaction, but Fiona was the catalyst to so many changes in my mindset. On a studying level, I am slowly gaining a HR voice and confidence in my opinions in this area. I am now certain that this CIPD qualification is the one for me and am committed and motivated to achieve a good grade in it – Fiona has given me that confidence. The big positive result was landing my dream L&D job after 5 months of coaching from Fiona. (After lots of congratulations)
Coachee feedback August 2020:
Q. How are you finding the mix of coaching (ie asking questions) as against mentoring (ie giving guidance)? Is the balance about right or could this be improved and in what way for you?
The balance is spot on. I know I can always ask Fiona to do more of one and less of the other if that is what I need. If we are talk
about a new HR concept that I am unfamiliar with, Fiona will start as default mode with a coaching style, and if I am still
flummoxed shift more to mentoring. Fiona’s coaching around my career transition and job hunting journey has been really impactful, I am not sure if she realises how l always go away and think again more carefully. Ruminating over some of Fiona’s Qs has led to many insights, both personal and professional.
Q. How willing would you be or feel to recommend the coaching and mentoring experience to others in the HRM or HRD field
who are struggling with qualifications, dissertations and projects , career direction or self awareness and self development skills?
I would be very, very happy to recommend Fiona.
“Fiona was fantastic, very focused, approachable and is highly knowledgeable and professional in her approach to training. She is also motivating to aim as high as possible which is great” Abi White
“ the coach has made this course excellent – she is very professional- she set her expectations for us every day and we were 100% clear on what was happening – I love this course now” Victoria Lynn
“Fiona has changed the entire course for me. She is professional, clear, concise, motivating and has made me want to continue with the CTP. Fantastic trainer” Charlotte Martin
“very clear instructions and expectations – can we please have the same coach for the final week?” Vidhi Saxhena
Charlotte Martin, ‘L&D Manager Jumierha Hotel, Dubai
Fiona was really professional and we admired her learning style; very structured programme strongly relevant to our working situations and will be very helpful to enhance overall skills level - very experienced coach and excellent listening skills.
HR Officers, Rasgas, Abu Dhabi